
Combo Roof System Companies in Dubai UAE

Why Choose Combo roof System?

Combo roof System deals with the combination of Waterproofing, thermal insulation and finishing of roof. It is a comprehensive system which can be in a fastest way to insulate and waterproof the entire roof area. On the other hand, it offers a Manufacture’s Guarantee of 25 years against leakage.

Combo Roof System in UAE

Do you need a roof system for your home in UAE? You have come to the right place!. If you have a roof in UAE, you should consider using Polycare Insulation Works. We have a wide range of services to homeowners, including roofing systems and insulation work. The company's expertise lies in the fact that it offers full-service roofing and insulation system design, installation, and repair services for residential homes and commercial buildings in UAE. If you are interested in learning more about their roofing system or any other services they offer, please feel free to contact us today!

Stages of Combo Roof System

Site Inspection & Preparation

Upon casting and complete curing of roof slab, Polycareengineer shall visit the site to inspect the roof and accept the roof for waterproofing and heat insulation works. A preliminary site inspection shall be carried out and any further preparation work if required shall be brought to the attention of the main contractor. Polycare willalso check the environmental and substrate conditions such as wind speed (< 30 Kph), relative humidity (< 80 %), concrete or slab surface moisture content (< 20 %) as per manufacturer’s recommendation.

Foam Application

The spraying activity will only commenceafter the detailed Inspection. Using Spray Foam Machine, a mixture of Polyurethane material such as Polyol and Iso PMDIis applied on the prepared surface.The spraying will be done in horizontal or vertical directions in layers prior to achieve a thickness.

RBE Coating

After the Foam Application, single component acrylic based high flexible elastomeric water-proof coating RBE is applied to the entire surface of the polyurethane foam. Allow the Protective coating to dry for minimum 8 hours depending on the site Condition.

Flood Test

Once the UV coating is completely dried, Our Engineer will visit the site to inspect the works completed and give clearance for flood test (minimum 24 hours).

Geotextile layer

After successful test, water will be remove and one layer of geotextile will be loosely laid at an overlap of 20 – 30 cm. The geotextile will be extended up to the vertical surface of the previously applied system.

Paneling & Screed Laying

Upon Completion of Geotextile, the roof will be compartmented to rectangular or square shape at 6m2 (max) using 12mm thick flexcell board. Desired Slope is adjusted with the flexcell board. The flexcell Board will be fixed above the geotextile by sand cement mortar to keep it in vertical position. After the paneling works, Protective screed of 20 N/mm2 strength screed will be laid in panels with an average screed thickness of 80mm. The screed will be smoothly finished and cured for 2 days (minimum).

Angle Fillet & Joint Treatment

Once the screed is completely cured, all of the joints created by the flexcell board will be opened and threatened with ACT sealant with 20 mm diameter backing rod for accommodating the movement of the concrete. Then,prepare angle fillet (100x100mm) all around parapet skirting and concrete foundations.

Final Coating/Finishing

After the completion of the joints treatment, curing of the applied angle fillet and the casted screed, saturate the concrete surface with clean water. Two coats of cementitious coating Polyflex (White) will be applied above the surface to avoid the dampness of the substrate. The applied final coat will be allowed to full cure for 7 days before allowing any traffic on the roof.The top coat will give aesthetic appearance to the roof.

Phases of Combo roof system

Geotextile Layer

Geotextile Layer

Geotextile Layer

Geotextile Layer

Geotextile Layer

Geotextile Layer

Geotextile Layer

Geotextile Layer

Panelling Works

Panelling Works

Panelling Works

Panelling Works

Panelling Works

Panelling Works

Panelling Works

Panelling Works

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

PU Foam Application

Screed Laying

Screed Laying

Screed Laying

Top Coat

Top Coat

Top Coat

Top Coat

RBE Coating

RBE Coating

RBE Coating

RBE Coating

RBE Coating

RBE Coating

RBE Coating

RBE Coating

Water Leak Test

Water Leak Test

Water Leak Test

Water Leak Test

Water Leak Test

Water Leak Test

Water Leak Test

Water Leak Test